Monday, June 24, 2013

CD7...And The End To Evil Provera

I survived to CD7, but just barely. still evil.

Oh yes it is.

CD7...and I am STILL bleeding. Not spotting. Bleeding.

CD2 and CD3 I was actually concerned for my health.  If it had gone on for one more day, I was going in to see the ER Dr. 

CD4 was like a normal "really heavy" period day. 

CD5 was a "heavy" period day.

CD6 seemed like a "normal" period day. CD6 I figured I'd just continue bleeding...forever.

CD7 is like the first day of a period, it's there, and there's flow, but it's not as life threatening as someone turning on the kitchen tap all the way and hoping for the best.  

I'm taking two prenatal vitamins per day to try to keep up since I feel like I'm a lemon being squeezed dry. I don't know if it's low iron or something, but I also have some insomnia since CD4. It's driving me nuts. It's 1am and I'm wired awake! And I was passing out all afternoon. 

Either way...I hope CD8 is better than CD7 and that this period actually DOES eventually end. ...Not that it actually seems as though that's possible right now. Most women who have had children know what after birth bleeding is never think it'll actually stop and you don't actually remember a time when you weren't bleeding every day. That's how I feel. 

Positive note (depending on how you look at it..), two weeks until my Lupron shot. I'm excited...and extremely nervous. That is one biiiig needle. Just saying. 

The count down truly begins now.

14 days to Lupron. 

I do feel good about it though, I'm supposedly "lucky", I only have to take it once, some surrogates have to take it daily, but the needle is tiny. 

Lucky women with their tiny needles. 

Surrogacy : the only time a woman will brag about being stuck with something small.

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