Well, I guess it's time for this post.
We found out we're pregnant for our own baby! Here are some of thepictures, we found out December 11, 2011, when we thought wewere about 3 weeks late[20 days].It was taken at 9pm, wewere taking it to put everyone at ease, but we were onbirth control, so I wasn't concerned.
The second one was taken three days later, after waitig a wole hour to pee again. This was takenwithin 15 seconds of dipping it. We thoughtfor sure, we were at least 7 weeks by thispoint, so were't surprised.
This one was taken ery early November, prepregnancy.
Here I am at 4 weeks! I love this suit, should take my next belly picture in the same one.
Here we are at 5 weeks, I thought I was 8 weekshere, whichmade sense...super bloated still.
8 weeks, starting to grow a little more, people starting to notice and ask.
Almost 9 weeks, startingto feel bigger, one baby this time! Really feeling big though, I know I'm not,but it just feels that way because it's only been 9 weeks! lol
We found out we're pregnant for our own baby! Here are some of thepictures, we found out December 11, 2011, when we thought wewere about 3 weeks late[20 days].It was taken at 9pm, wewere taking it to put everyone at ease, but we were onbirth control, so I wasn't concerned.
The second one was taken three days later, after waitig a wole hour to pee again. This was takenwithin 15 seconds of dipping it. We thoughtfor sure, we were at least 7 weeks by thispoint, so were't surprised.
This one was taken ery early November, prepregnancy.
Here I am at 4 weeks! I love this suit, should take my next belly picture in the same one.
Here we are at 5 weeks, I thought I was 8 weekshere, whichmade sense...super bloated still.
6 weeks, getting bigger already.
7 weeks, less bloating,more growingwhere it should be growing.8 weeks, starting to grow a little more, people starting to notice and ask.
Almost 9 weeks, startingto feel bigger, one baby this time! Really feeling big though, I know I'm not,but it just feels that way because it's only been 9 weeks! lol
I know you probably noticed that I'm due two days before the twins were due. I was expecting to be due July 30thish, so IREALLY hope they were in fact correct, otherwise, I could havemy records not looking too great for the next surrogacy, as I would deliver 3 weeks before I would normally. Only time will tell!
We're not going to find out what we're having, and buying everything is already on the go, trying to figure out what we'll do for rooms too, as we have a THREE bedroom house. We're hoping that the kids wouldn'tmind sharing a room, but we'llprobably end uplooking for a bigger house, hopefully around the same area, becauseI walk to work every day haha
We have our first appointment January 31st at the OBS clinic. We're doing things a little differently this pregnancy. No inductions, I want to make it to 42 weeks. No internal exams. Want to have this one as WE want it, not what society says is normal. I didn't think I would even HAVE another baby of our own, so this is my opportunity to do things the way I want to. Will go to work until I deliver. Want to stay active. Should be interesting!
Willkeepyou all posted.
The heart rate was 167 at the ultrasound. They said they couldnt' get a good view, so of course, I question the due date, but we'll get a double check at our 20 week ultrasound!
Have a great weekend everyone!
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