Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 5


We're 4.5 dpo now.  I'm just waiting and hoping my IM goes online before I have to test.  I'm not good at waiting. haha

I've definitely agreed to waiting until my IF is home to test every day from here on out, as our chances of actually getting a + are getting higher and higher.  In two days, there's a real chance of getting a second line, and then 4 days after that, almost guaranteed if I did conceive.

I will say that not everyone gets their + 10-12dpo, and that some people don't get a + until 14dpo or even 16dpo.  Everyone's embryos travel at their own pace of course, so now we just have to wait and see right??

My biggest fear is ectopic.  I started to cramp a bit more today, and I know it could be implantation.  Probably not though, since it usually takes the embryo 5-8 days just to make it out of the fallopian tubes.  Implantation usually occurs on 6dpo.  That's the first chance we have of actually getting a +, however, I believe in testing anyway just in case hahahaha

Alright, so for anyone reading this who has become pregnant in the past, please comment me how many days dpo you were when you got a +!



  1. Mine were always the day or more after my period....but i dont want to scare you and i know you already know the chances of ectopic with clomid. I had an ectopic and it was most likely because of the clomid. I had gotten my tubes tested before and they were there was no blockage to have one. I am doing clomid again, one month....before i go to the dr and we will see!!!

  2. oofers. Did you experience bad cramping??

  3. well they found out when my blood tests wernt doubling in the 24 they thought i was either having a ectopic or missed miscarriage...well a couple of weeks went by and i still didnt miscarry, so they gave me two shots in my back of methrotrexate to dissolve the baby. I did have cramping around 6-7 weeks in my left side. The dr still didnt think it was ectopic for some strange reason tho....but im sure your fine!
